Recipe: Weekend Coconut Crepes with Lemon Curd
Ah weekends. Weekends are the only times when I have time to make a proper breakfast. These days it's been along the lines of oats, congee, cheesy melts and crepes. Oh crepes.
I had a big craving for these thin pancake like creations last weekend but it just wasn't meant to be. The first crepe place I went to had closed down and the second had run out of crepes. How can you run out of crepes!?
By Monday night my dreams of soft crepes filled with chocolate and banana had turned to searches on the Internet. When I saw this recipe I felt myself gasp at the simplicity of the recipe. I got to work right away.
Funny how my best dishes happen in the middle of the night?
When I first had this I immediately exclaimed "THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER MADE!" Yes in the middle of the night. Now that I have calmed down a bit it is definitely still one of the best.
These crepes are soft and delicate and have an unmistakable coconut aroma when cooking. The edges are slightly crispy and I don't know if it's the fat from the coconut in these, but they are so easy to unstick to the pan and flip! I have officially perfected the flip now! I have tried replacing the coconut milk with plain low fat milk and they stuck a little tighter to the non stick pan and were very difficult to flip.
Now lemon curd is one of my favourite things ever. There was a period last year where I was a little obsessed with lemon tarts. Okay maybe a lot obsessed; I made it my mission to find the perfect balance of sweet and tart curd. I trialled a few recipes myself but was never completely satisfied. This lemon curd however is the best yet and it doesn't even need butter!
My brother proclaims it the best thing I have ever made and has been begging me for three days to make a new batch. He licked the bowl of the last batch clean. That's how good it is. And it's so easy! Just put all the ingredients in the pot and mix over a flame.
You may find that the lemon curd may overpower the coconut taste a little and it's fine to have the coconut crepes simply with a bit of sugar and banana or with Nutella cream and strawberries. They also go great with some cream cheese and strawberries. Delicious any way!
Okay enough praise of this recipe! Here it is with a few minor alterations.
Coconut Crepes with Lemon Curd, Banana and Whipped Cream
Adapted from: Taste your Life
Cooking and Prep Time: 20-30mins
Serves: Makes 12 crepes
- 1 cup cake flour (if you don't have cake flour use all purpose flour)
- ½ cup skim milk
- 350 ml coconut milk
- 2 large eggs
- 2 whole eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- Juice and rind from 1 large lemon and 1 small lime
- Mix the lemon curd ingredients in a saucepan until well combined.
- Place the saucepan on low- medium heat and stir constantly for 5-8minutes. Mix quickly until the mixture starts to thicken and resemble lemon curd. When it is done, pour into a covered bowl or jar and place in the fridge to cool
- Mix together all of the ingredients for crepes until well combined.
- Heat a non stick pan (I used a small 15cm diameter pan). Spray lightly with cooking oil.
- When the pan is hot place a tablespoon of the crepe mixture into the pan and swirl around to cover the base of the pan. There should be just enough mixture to make a thin layer of crepe.
- When the edges start to brown, run a spatula along the edge of the crepe to loosen it from the pan. If you're brave enough, slide the crepe to one side of the pan, fling pan upwards and flip! Cook until golden brown on both sides.
- Don't be discouraged if the first few crepes don't work out! This always happens! Some strange cooking phenomenon where the first crepes and pancakes turn out horribly.
- Cover crepes with foil if you're making a few to keep them warm. If you're not using all the batter cover and place in the fridge. Stir the mixture a few times if removing from the fridge.
- Whip up a little bit of thickened cream and slice a banana into thin discs.
- Place a spoonful of curd, followed by some whipped cream and bananas onto a crepe. Roll it up.
- Feel yourself sigh with content at the amazing crepes you've just made.
Per tablespoon curd: Energy: 393kJ, Protein: 3.0g, Fat total: 3.0g, Sat Fat: 1.0g, Carbohydrates: 13.3g, Sodium 26mg

These are coconut crepes with nutella cream and strawberry filling. To make nutella cream simply whip nutella into thickened cream. So simple, so delicious!
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